What's your house worth? Click on the brand-new link to the right to get an idea of your home's value. (Or click on the title above.)Whether your home is in Studio City, Burbank, or Charlotte, this new feature should work for you. I gave it a test run with my own home and it looks...okay. This feature is brought to us by Realist, the tax-assessor mapping service.
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What's my house worth? New feature!
Artikel Terkait What's my house worth? New feature! :
The Realtor buys a new Studio City house -- and whines, whines, whinesThis is the paperwork we've had to either produce or review for our Studio City home purchase. And we're only five days int ...
San Fernando Valley real estate 2012 year in review - part oneI'm jumping on the end-of-year list bandwagon here. If you real estate news in Studio City, Burbank, Sherman Oaks, Hollywoo ...
Open today from 1 to 4: 1122 N. Cordova, BurbankPlease come visit Steve and me today at this great 3+2 home for $535,000 in Magnolia Park. Big backyard, fresh paint, new w ...
Not on the mls! 3+1 character home in Burbank is for sale for $635,000This is 621 N. Keystone, Burbank, and as you can see, it's a 1920's character home. It's for sale but it's not on the multi ...
Yes, local home prices went up last month and here are the statsDid it seem to you like local housing prices rose last month? This L.A. Times article says they did; local prices have risen ...