I'm all moved in at John Aaroe Group in Sherman Oaks. New direct line: 818-453-9120, but the voicemail is not set up yet. Same email, same cell phone.
I'm set up in the new Sherman Oaks office!
Artikel Terkait I'm set up in the new Sherman Oaks office! :
3 Factoids about Los Angeles Architecture! Amaze and delight your friends!John Aaroe Group's new architectural division is sponsoring educational classes for its Realtors (I know we all think Realtors ar ...
Coming soon! Aaroe Architectural Properties Division and websiteI'm thrilled that my company, John Aaroe Group, will soon be launching an Architectural Properties Division and website. Ev ...
I'll be doing a presentation on blogging...Tomorrow, I'll be doing a brief presentation on blogging and social media conversion for my Sherman Oaks John Aaroe Group office. ...
The year in real estate - part twoFor those of you who can't get enough of year-end lists, here's part two of mine. This will be more personal and have lots ...
I've joined a new real estate company!Yesterday, I ended my eight-year long association with Dilbeck Realtors and joined Aaroe + Williamson, a division of John Aaroe G ...