HGtv's "Professional Grade" shot at clients Ross and Tracy's Burbank home last night. We were present for the "reveal" of their brand new master bathroom. This is the show's host and contractors, and I was the videographer for this clip (my video skills need work, obviously, but you get the cinema verite jist). It took about 3 hours to shoot 30 seconds of the show. More coming up.
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The intersection of Hollywood and real estate is so glamorous Part I: behind the scenes at HGtv's "Professional Grade"
The intersection of Hollywood and real estate is so glamorous Part I: behind the scenes at HGtv's "Professional Grade"
Artikel Terkait The intersection of Hollywood and real estate is so glamorous Part I: behind the scenes at HGtv's "Professional Grade" :
The Rapture: good for the real estate market or bad for the real estate market?...It depends, but mainly bad. Those of us left behind will have to contend with empty houses, unwatered yards, and unpaid ...
Open today from 1 to 4: 1122 N. Cordova, BurbankPlease come visit Steve and me today at this great 3+2 home for $535,000 in Magnolia Park. Big backyard, fresh paint, new w ...
Great house for cats!I know you really want another housing economics post, but here's (yet another) post having to do with animals in Burbank in ...
I'm leaving the country......because Studio City real estate and Burbank real estate have been so rough. Seriously, I need a break and am taking a sh ...
Saw 20 homes for sale last weekend...Last week was pretty crazy for showing property for sale in Studio City, Burbank and Toluca Woods. And the week has been bu ...