Professional Grade is a new HGtv show that runs on Saturday mornings. Here's the official blurb: Savvy and resourceful homeowners tackle a room renovation trying to achieve professional quality results on a limited budget. If they can fool a team of master contractors into thinking they spent more money than their actual out-of-pocket costs — the homeowners will win the difference.
Please make sure to record this on your DVR, because clients and Burbank residents Ross and Tracy Necessary will be the subjects of an upcoming episode. They remodeled their master bath and did a breathtaking job. I was on-hand for the "reveal" and shot a couple of videos of the process which you can watch, below.
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Tune in "Professional Grade" on HGtv and watch Ross and Tracy remodel their bathroom!
Tune in "Professional Grade" on HGtv and watch Ross and Tracy remodel their bathroom!
Artikel Terkait Tune in "Professional Grade" on HGtv and watch Ross and Tracy remodel their bathroom! :
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