In case you did not see the L.A. Times, home prices increased 24.7% year over year. And not just for homes in Burbank, Toluca Lake or Studio City either -- this is an average of five counties. L.A. county home prices increased 30.2% to an average of $410,000 per house. Here's the link to the article.
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Prices of homes for sale increased locally, as if you didn't know
Prices of homes for sale increased locally, as if you didn't know
Artikel Terkait Prices of homes for sale increased locally, as if you didn't know :
621 N. Keystone in Burbank closed today621 N. Keystone in Burbank closed today for $607,500. It originally went into escrow at $615,000 but there were some needed ...
Lowest price and highest price active listings in Studio City, Sherman Oaks, Valley Village and Toluca LakeThanks to our manager, I have the stats on the lowest and highest prices for homes for sale in Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Valley ...
There are 3 gun stores in one mile on Magnolia Blvd. in BurbankIn light of recent current events, I'd like to point out: there are three gun stores on Magnolia Blvd. in Burbank between Buena V ...
229 N. Beachwood in Burbank closed last weekThis is 229 N. Beachwood. It was a flip, and was purchased by my wonderful clients Scott and Robin. The escrow went o ...
San Fernando Valley real estate 2012 year in review - part oneI'm jumping on the end-of-year list bandwagon here. If you real estate news in Studio City, Burbank, Sherman Oaks, Hollywoo ...